Full Name | Designation | Issue Date, Day & Time | View NOC/GO |
Armina Akther | Lecturer, Department of Sociology | 15-01-24, Sunday |
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Farhana Yeasmin | Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology | 15-01-24, Wednesday |
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প্রফেসর ড. সুমন কান্তি বড়ুয়া | মাননীয় প্রো-ভাইস চ্যান্সেলর | 09-01-25, Thursday |
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Md. Amdadul Haque Shakil | Night Guard, Register Office | 08-01-25, Wednesday |
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Farhana Yeasmin | Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology | 27-12-24, Friday |
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প্রফেসর ড. ফিরোজ আহমদ | মাননীয় ট্রেজারার | 18-12-2024, Wednesday |
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সানজিদা তাসনিম | প্রভাষক, ম্যানেজমেন্ট বিভাগ | 15-12-2024, Sunday |
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Md. Anisur Rahman | Office assistant cum computer typist, Office of the Controller examination | 10-12-2024, Tuesday |
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Jannatun Nayem | Administrative Officer, Office of the Controller examination | 10-12-2024, Tuesday |
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মুসলিমা জান্নাত মৌ | সহকারী অধ্যাপক, বাংলা বিভাগ | 24-10-2024, Thursday |
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মোছাঃ মিনতি আকতার | উপসহকারী পরীক্ষা নিয়ন্ত্রক | 26-09-2024, Thursday |
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এস. এম. আশরাফ হোসেন | প্রভাষক, অর্থনীতি বিভাগ | 26-09-2024, Thursday |
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মোঃ এমদাদুল হক শাকিল | নৈশ প্রহরী | 15-08-01, June |
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Farhana Yeasmin | Assistant Professor, Department Sociology | 15-07-24, Tuesday |
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Bezon Kumar | Chairman and Assistant Professor, Department of Economics | 27-06-2024, Thursday |
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Md. Abdul Zalil | Estate Officer, Office of Registrar | 27-06-2024, Thursday |
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শিরিন আক্তার | সেকশন অফিসার | ২৬-০৬-২০২৪, বুধবার |
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জনাব মোঃ ওবায়দুল | সেকশন অফিসার | ২৬-০৬-২০২৪, বুধবার |
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Dr. Mohammad Tanvir Ahmed | Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology | 26-06-2024, Wednesday |
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Armina Akhter | Lecturer, Department of Sociology | 16-05-2024, Thursday |
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Tanmoy Kumar Paul | Lecturer, Department of Music | 14-05-2024, Tuesday |
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Bezon Kumar | Assistant Professor, Department of Economics | 27-03-2024, Wednesday |
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Sharmin Sultana | Chairman, Department of Economics | 25-04-2024, Thursday |
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Md. Rifat-Ur-Rahman | Chairman, Department of Sociology, Rabindra University, Bangladesh | 21-04-2024, Sunday |
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Lipe Parven | Administrative Officer, Establishment Section, Office of the Registrar | 21-04-2024, Sunday |
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Tania Yeasmin | Assistant Programmer, ICT Cell, Rabindra University | 27-03-2024, Wednesday |
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Farhana Yeasmin | Assistant Professor, Department Sociology | 13-03-2024, Wednesday |
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Piyush Mondal | Documentation Officer, Office of the Vice-Chancellor | 07-03-2024, Thursday |
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সবুজ মন্ডল | প্রভাষক, সমাজ বিজ্ঞান বিভাগ | 07-03-2024, Thursday |
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Md. Azim Uddin | Assistant Professor, Department Sociology | 22-02-2024, Thursday |
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সাজ্জাদুর রহমান সুজন | অফিস সহকারী কাম কম্পিউটার টাইপিস্ট | 22-02-2024, Thursday |
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Md. Shah Ali | Public Relation Officer | 13-02-2024, Tuesday |
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Jannatul Mawa Moon | Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology | 08-02-2024, Thursday
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Lipi Pervin | Administrative Officer, Department of Registrar | 23-12-2023, Saturday |
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Sharmin Sultana | Chairman, Department of Economics | 23-12-2023, Saturday |
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Jannatul Mawa Moon | Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology | 21-12-2023, Thursday |
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Bezon Kumar | Assistant Professor, Department of Economics | 21-12-2023, Thursday |
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Tanmoy Kumar Paul | Lecturer, Department of Music | 21-12-2023, Thursday |
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Dr. Md. Fakhrul Islam | Associate Professor, Department of Bangla, Rabindra University | 18-12-2023, Monday |
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Md. Maruf Hssasn | Assistant Accounts Officer, Office of Finance and Accounts | 17-12-2023, Sunday |
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Proshanta Kumar Podder | Assistant Professor, Department of Management | 17-12-2023, Sunday |
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Farhana Yeasmin | Assistant Professor, Department Sociology | 06-12-2023, Wednsday |
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Md. Azim Uddin | Assistan Professor, Department of Bangla | 06-12-2023, Wednesday |
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Tanvir Ahmed | Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Rabindra University, Bangladesh | 17-10-2023, Tuesday |
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Jannatun Nayam | Administrative Officer, Office of the Controller of Examinations | View(Go) | |
Md. Rifat-Ur-Rahman | Chairman, Department of Cultural Heritage and Bangladesh Studies | View(Go) | |
Dr. Md. Fakhrul Islam | Associate Professor, Department of Bangla, Rabindra University | 13-12-2023, Wednesday |
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